15 Hamston Street, West 812 (345) 6789 [email protected]

Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85


Stepping Higher, Inc. offers a variety of faith-based counseling services to meet the needs of our participants. 

Services Include:

Marriage Counseling

Family Counseling

Spiritual Counseling

Substance Abuse Counseling

Dependency Classes

Vocational Counseling

Financial Literacy 

For more information please contact us at  619-825-8388    

Based – Marriage Counseling:
Stepping Higher, Inc. offers marriage counseling upon request. Marriage counseling gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve and even disagree in a healthier way. No matter the cause, distress in a relationship can create undue stress, tension, sadness, worry, fear and other problems. You may hope your relationship troubles just go away by its self. But left to fester, a bad relationship can also create problems so many areas of your life.

Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It’s a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the right habits you can “MAKE LOVE WORK”. Marriage counseling can help resolve conflicts and heal deep wounds.

Faith Based – Family Counseling:
Stepping Higher, Inc. offers family counseling to promote a better relationship and understanding within a family. We understand that our communities will improve as our family relationships improve. The family is taught to communicate affectively and encouraged to stay positive throughout difficult family situations.

Vocational Counseling:
Stepping Higher, Inc. is committed to assisting participants with creating and/or developing their careers through planning, comprehensive training, coaching, and introducing them to gainful employment. Training in career development includes the following:

Career Planning: Planning is one of the many keys to success. Development of an individual career action plan is important to give the participant direction. A plan is considered a road map that will guide the participant where they desire to go. A plan can be formulated after an assessment, an exploration of viable career options, and consideration of participants desires.

Resume Development:  A resume is a personal marketing tool used in securing an interview and informing the reader of your education, work experience, professional skills, and interests.  Participants will receive assistance in resume building and given resume tips to insure a professional presentation

Interviewing Skills: This training will equip participants with the skills to conduct a professional interview and to present appropriate information. Participants will be introduced to interviewing tips and participate in mock interviews to increase their confidence when interviewing for a job.

 Job Search: Participants are introduced to job search tips, including valuable job search web sites and helpful resources within the community.

Networking: The ability to identify and connect with the right people can contribute to the success of career mobility. Participants will be given tips on how to utilize the skill of networking to enhance job search and advancement.

Dress for Success: Participants will be introduced to what professional attire looks like within particular industries. Dressing appropriately empowers individuals and promotes positive self-esteem. Participants will be presented with information on “what NOT to wear”.

Christian Counseling:
Individuals participating in Christian counseling receive support based on biblical references and faith based resources. Biblical references include all the teachings of Scripture but especially those that bear on our relationship with God and with one another. The bible offers profound truths regarding human nature, sin, redemption, and grace. The Christian counselor measures all other concepts or ideas by the scriptures. Though we are guided by these teachings, our counselors do not impose their views on participants, but rather meet them where they are.

Substance Abuse Counseling / Dependency Class:
Stepping Higher, Inc. offers substance abuse counseling and dependency classes. Our professional and trained staff supports individuals that struggle in this area through a faith based approach. C.H.A.N.G.E. D. stands for: Confidential Healed Accepted New Gifted Eternal life Deliverance. C.H.A.N.G.E.D.  is a class offered every Tuesday at 7 p.m. to address substance dependency. Location where C.H.A.N.G.E.D. classes are offered: 7373 University Ave. Suite 201, La Mesa, CA Stepping Higher, Inc. is dedicated to “Moving People in a Positive Direction”.

For more information please contact us at  619-825-8388  

Funded by Stepping Higher, INC.